Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Succumbing to the Urge

I probably have more interesting things to discuss in light of the past ten days or so (oh who am I kidding--I had a birthday and a show and both evenings ended with me barfing in parking lots), but the most important news is that I finally caved and bought an Xbox 360, as well as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which is probably the nerdiest game you can possibly play, unless you count accounting. Anyway, on Monday, I got a birthday check in the mail, which I wasted no time in cashing along with some checks for writing crappy album reviews and raced as fast as the Grampus would carry me to Gamestop, in order to further prolong my adolescence and inhibit my social interractions with others.

--The Robo-Pirate


Fabs said...

DUDE! I didn't know it was your b-day! Happy Belated!

andrew m. said...

nerd on!

gotta say i'm a little green with geek envy.

Josh said...

Happy late birthday!

Good you spent the cash on something fun for you. I always end up wasting Bday cash on bills and have nothing to show for it, except maybe a roof.

Hope the hangover wasn't too bad or was worth it.